How to Grill Corn for Mexican Corn Salad

Grilled corn is the heart and soul of a perfect Mexican corn salad, also known as Esquites. The smoky, charred flavor of grilled corn elevates this dish from a simple side to a mouthwatering delicacy. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about grilling corn for your Mexican corn salad, from selecting the best corn to advanced grilling techniques.

Grill Corn for Mexican Corn Salad

1. Selecting the Perfect Corn

Before we fire up the grill, let's start with the most crucial step: choosing the right corn. The quality of your corn will significantly impact the final taste of your Mexican corn salad.

What to Look For:

  • Freshness: Look for corn with green, pliable husks that are tightly wrapped around the cob.
  • Silk: The silk at the top should be brown or gold, and slightly sticky to the touch.
  • Kernels: Peel back a small section of the husk to examine the kernel inside. It needs to be plump and packed snugly.
  • Size: Medium-sized ears of corn are often more tender and flavorful than very large ones.

Pro Tip: For the best flavor, try to grill your corn on the same day you purchase it. If that's not possible, store it in the refrigerator with the husks on to maintain freshness.

2. Preparing the Corn for Grilling

Now that you've selected your perfect corn, it's time to prepare it for the grill. There are several methods to choose from, each offering a unique flavor profile:

Grilling in the Husk

  1. Gently pull back the husks without removing them, and remove the silk.
  2. Soak the corn (with husks) in cold water for 15-30 minutes. This prevents the husks from burning and adds steam for even cooking.
  3. Pat dry and pull the husks back over the corn.

Naked Grilling

  1. Remove the husks and silk completely.
  2. Brush the corn lightly with oil to prevent sticking and enhance char.

Foil-Wrapped Grilling

  1. Remove the husks and silk.
  2. Wrap each ear in aluminum foil, twisting the ends to seal.

Each method has its advantages: grilling in the husk provides a subtle, smoky flavor; naked grilling offers maximum char; and foil-wrapped grilling ensures even cooking and moisture retention.

3. Preparing Your Grill

Whether you're using a gas grill or a charcoal grill, proper preparation is key to achieving perfectly grilled corn.

For Gas Grills:

  1. Preheat your grill to medium heat (375-450°F).
  2. Use a wire grill brush to thoroughly scour the grates and remove any debris or residue.
  3. Oil the grates lightly to prevent sticking.

For Charcoal Grills:

  1. Light your charcoal briquettes and allow them to burn fully until the coals are dusted with a crisp white ash.
  2. Arrange the burnt coals in an even layer across the base of the grill.
  3. Place the grate on top and clean it with a grill brush.
  4. Oil the grates lightly.

Pro Tip: For added flavor, consider adding some wood chips to your charcoal. Hickory or applewood can complement the sweetness of the corn beautifully.

4. Grilling Techniques for Perfect Corn

Now comes the exciting part – grilling your corn to perfection! The key is to achieve a nice char without overcooking the kernels.

Direct Heat Grilling

  1. Place the corn  on the grill grates over medium heat.
  2. Grill for 10-15 minutes, turning every 2-3 minutes to ensure even cooking.
  3. The corn is done when it's tender and lightly charred on all sides.

Indirect Heat Grilling

  1. Set up your grill for indirect heat by pushing all the coals to one side (for charcoal) or turning off one burner (for gas).
  2. Place the corn on the cooler side of the grill.
  3. Grill for 15 to 20 minutes, turning occasionally.
  4. For the last few minutes, move the corn to the hot side for some char.

The Rotation Method

  1. Start with high heat for 2-3 minutes to get some initial char.
  2. Move the corn to a cooler part of the grill and close the lid.
  3. Rotate the corn every 5 minutes, moving it between hotter and cooler zones.
  4. Total cooking time should be about 15-20 minutes.

Remember, the exact cooking time can vary based on the freshness of the corn and the heat of your grill. Keep an eye on your corn and trust your instincts!

5. Testing for Doneness

Knowing when your corn is perfectly grilled is crucial for a delicious Mexican corn salad.  

Some ways to test for doneness:

  • Visual cues: Look for kernels that are plump and slightly shrunken, with charred spots on the outside.
  • Texture test: Gently press a kernel with your fingernail. It should be tender but still offer some resistance.
  • Taste test: When in doubt, carefully taste a kernel. It should be sweet, tender, and have a pleasant smoky flavor.

Pro Tip: Slightly undercook your corn if you plan to cut it off the cob and finish it in a skillet for your Mexican corn salad. This prevents overcooking and maintains a pleasant texture.

6. Flavoring Options While Grilling

While plain grilled corn is delicious, you can enhance the flavor even further with these techniques:

Herb Butter Baste


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh herbs (cilantro, chives, or parsley)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • Zest of 1 lime
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients and baste the corn while grilling.

Spice Rub


  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • Salt to taste

Mix spices and sprinkle over corn before grilling.

Citrus Spray

Fill a spray bottle with a mixture of equal parts lime juice and water. Spritz the corn occasionally while grilling for a zesty flavor boost.

7. Cutting Corn Off the Cob

Once your corn is grilled to perfection, you'll need to remove the kernels for your Mexican corn salad:

  1. Allow the corn to cool slightly so it's comfortable to handle.
  2. Stand the corn vertically on its wider end on a cutting board.
  3. Using a sharp knife, slice downward along the cob, removing the kernels in strips.
  4. Rotate the cob as you go to ensure you get all the kernels.
  5. After the initial cuts, run the back of your knife down the cob to extract any remaining corn milk.

Pro Tip: Place a small inverted bowl inside a larger bowl. Stand the corn on the small bowl and cut. The kernels will fall into the larger bowl, minimizing mess.

8. Incorporating Grilled Corn into Mexican Corn Salad

Now that you have perfectly grilled and cut corn, it's time to transform it into a delicious Mexican corn salad. Get you started:

Classic Mexican Corn Salad (Esquites) Recipe


  • 4 ears of grilled corn, kernels removed (about 3 cups)
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup Mexican crema or sour cream
  • 1/2 cup crumbled cotija cheese
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
  • 1 jalapeño, seeded and finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • Salt to taste


  1. In a large bowl, combine the grilled corn kernels, mayonnaise, crema, cotija cheese, cilantro, and jalapeño.
  2. Add lime juice, chili powder, and salt. Mix well.
  3. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed.
  4. Serve immediately or chill for an hour to let flavors meld.

9. Variations and Add-ins

Once you've mastered the basic Mexican corn salad, consider these variations to keep things interesting:

  • Avocado: Add diced avocado for creaminess and healthy fats.
  • Black beans: Mix in some black beans for added protein and fiber.
  • Bell peppers: Incorporate diced bell peppers for crunch and color.
  • Tomatoes: Cherry tomatoes can add a burst of freshness.
  • Bacon: Crumbled bacon can add a smoky, savory element.
  • Hot sauce: Add a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce for extra heat.

10. Serving and Storage Tips

To ensure your Mexican corn salad is always at its best, keep these serving and storage tips in mind:

  • Serve the salad at room temperature.
  • If making ahead, reserve some of the cotija cheese and cilantro to add just before serving.
  • Store leftovers in an airtight  in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • If the salad seems dry after refrigeration, add a little more mayo or crema to refresh it.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Grilled Corn for Mexican Corn Salad

Grilling corn for Mexican corn salad is more than just a cooking method it's an art form that can elevate a simple dish into a culinary masterpiece. By selecting the right corn, preparing it properly, and mastering various grilling techniques, you can create a base for a Mexican corn salad that will have your friends and family raving.

Remember, the key to great grilled corn lies in attention to detail. From the moment you choose your corn at the market to the final flip on the grill, every step contributes to the end result. Don't be afraid to experiment with different flavoring options and salad variations to find your perfect combination.

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